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Pool Chlorine Products

Chlorine Products

Chlorine is a sanitizer. A sanitizer, for the purposes of pool and spa chemistry, is any chemical that kills or inactivates germs, viruses and bacteria in water. Chlorine comes in many forms, Including gas, liquid, powder and tablets. Once dissolved in water all act to kill bacteria and prevent algae growth. remember all forms of chlorine when broken down release acid. Some forms of chlorine when first added to the pool will increase the pH of the pool, this is especially true of liquid chlorine and some powered chlorine

Chlorine Products, Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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CH-01007 45520A Click on ImageChlorine Spa Care Kit Complete Includes 2 Pound 56 Dichlor Chlorine, 2.2 Pounds Renew,1 Pint Metal Gone, Water Test Bottle, Each45520A$64.48
CH-01005 AQT1082 Click on ImageAll Clear, Granulated Chlorine 90 percent, 2 Pounds, Algae KillAQT1082$21.83
CH-010010No ImageLeisure Time Spa 56 Percent Granuar Dichlor Chlorine, 2 PoundLT22337EACH$20.54
CH-010009 22337 Click on ImageLeisure Time Dichlor Spa 56 Granular, 22337, Chlorine,Granular 2 Pound ,12 Per Case22337$246.50
CH-010008 71675A Click on ImageGLB Pouch Shoxidizer Shock, 1 Pound, x 4071675A$262.94
CH-010007 71442A Click on ImageGLB Supersonic Cal Hypo Shock, 1 Pound, 24 Per Case71442A$169.34
CH-010006 71428A Click on ImageGLB Supper Charge Shock PAck, 68% Cal Hypo, 1 Pound x 24 71428A$98.58
CH-00158 40542A Click on ImageUltima TKO 73% CalHypo Granular Chlorine Shock 1 LB T, 24 per Case (Out of Stock)40542A$105.85
CH-00157 GL27830AEACH Click on ImageUltima Swamp To Swim 52% CalHypo / FLOC Kit Each GL27830AEACH$28.61
CH-00156 AQT1036-12 Click on ImageAll Clear, Shock,12 x 1 lbs BagsAQT1036-12$65.93
CH-00155 AQT1036-6 Click on ImageAll Clear, Shock, 6 x 1 lbs. BagsAQT1036-6$32.97
CH-00152A AQT1036 Click on ImageAll Clear, Shock,1 lb.AQT1036$8.14
CH-00151 27830A Click on ImageUltima Swamp To Swim 52% CalHypo / fLOC, 3 Kits Per Case 27830A$80.63
CH-00138No ImageGLB Granular Chlorine , Dichlor, 1 LB , Case of 2471001A$173.59
CH-00131A5No ImageAll Clear Sanitizer 56 percent Available Chlorine, Five 2 lbs Containers, Save 10 Percent,AQT2070$88.65
CH-00131A AQT2070 Click on ImageAll Clear Sanitizer 56 Percent Available Chlorine, 2 lbs AQT2070$19.50
CH-00106 AQT1082 Click on ImageAll Clear, Granulated Chlorine 90 percent, 12 lbs, Six 2 lb ContainersAQT1082$294.30
CH-00065 AQT1015-5 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 10 lbs 5 x 2 lb Containers AQT1015-5$74.25
CH-00064A AQT1015-2 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 6 lbs, Three 2 lb ContainersAQT1015-2$44.55
CH-00062A-2 AQT1015-2 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 4 Lbs, two 2 lb Container, Save on Two PackAQT1015-2$33.00
CH-00062A AQT1015 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 2 Lbs, One 2 lb Container (Out of stock)AQT1015$18.15

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