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Swimming Pool Alkalinity Increaser

Alkalinity Increaser

Alkalinity is a chemical compound known as Sodium Bicarbonate. When chlorine breaks down it releases an acid, the purpose of adding an alkalinity increaser is to absorb this acid and help stabilize the pH in an acceptable range for swimming, equipment longevity and water balance. In most cases it will be difficult to lower the pH if the alkalinity is high. One pounds of Alkalinity increaser will raise totality alkalinity 10 ppm. Alkalinity is one factor in correctly balancing water.

Alkalinity Increaser, Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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CH-01053 ALK Click on ImageLeisure Time Alkalinity Increaser Plus,2 Pound, EachALK$10.71
CH-01052 LTALK Click on ImageLeisure Time Alkalinity Increaser Plus, 2 Pound, 12 Per CaseLTALK $128.11
CH-01051 71200A Click on ImageGLB Alkalinity Up, 4 Pound, Case of 971200A$50.52
CH-00317 71203A Click on ImageGLB Alkalinity Up. 25 Pound, Each71203A$40.66
CH-00316 71202 Click on ImageGLB Alkalinity Up, 7.5 Pound, Case Of 4 71202$44.01
CH-00315BNo ImageAlkalinity Increaser, 50 Pound BagAQT1058I$51.70
CH-00315A AQT1054 Click on ImageAll Clear, Alkalinity Increaser, 10 lbsAQT1054$24.37
CH-00312A AQT1053 Click on ImageAll Clear, Alkalinity Increaser, 5 lbsAQT1053$14.11

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