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Bromine Spa Products

Bromine Products for Pools and Spas

Bromine is a sanitizer A sanitizer, for the purposes of pool and spa chemistry, is any chemical that kills or inactivates germs, viruses and bacteria in water. Bromine is the most popular sanitizer for spas, mainly because it has a better tolerance to the higher temperature of spa, producing less odor. When chlorine sensitivity is an issue the use of bromine in swimming pools can be used as an alternative, the trade off are much higher costs for Bromine and unlike chlorine there is no stabilizer to protect the bromine from the suns rays.

Bromine Products,l Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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CH-00331 LTBEI  Click on ImageLeisure Time, Sodium Bromide, 1 LB LTBEI $23.05
CH-00329 BE Click on ImageLeisure Time Sodium Bromide. 2 Ounces, 6/PK, 16 PACKSBE$364.76
CH-00328No ImageBromine Spa Care Kit Complete Includes 3.5 Pounds Bromine Tabs, 2 OS Sodium Bromide, 1 Pint Metal Gone, 2.2 Pound Renew, Water 45521A$68.65
CH-00326No ImageBromine Spa Care Kit Complete Includes 3.5 Pounds Bromine Tabs, 2 OS Sodium Bromide, 1 Pint Metal Gon, 2.2 Pound Renew, Water, 45521A$412.04
CH-00321No ImageLeisure Time Sodium Bromide 1 LB, 12 Per CaseBE1$246.92
CH-00320 BE1 Click on ImageSodium Bromide, 1 PoundBE1$19.88
CH-00319No ImageLeisure Time Reserve Bromide Base, Use With Renew, One Quart, 12 Per Case45300A$241.06
CH-00318No ImageLeisure Time Reserve Bromide Base, Use With Renew, 1 Quart Each LT45300A$22.69
CH-0025ANo ImageAll Clear Bromine Tablets, 25 Pounds, Due to the high Cost of Shipping we do not sell this sizePTBS202100$0.00NLA
CH-00211PNo ImageBromine Tablets, 1 Inch, 1 x 1.5 poundsAQT1133$14.31
CH-00210No ImageAll Clear Bromine Tablets 1 inch, 4.5 lbs (3 x 1.5 Pounds)AQT1134$52.47
CH-00209No ImageAll Clear, Bromine Tablets, 1.75 lbs., Limited To Quantity on HandBROMINE$13.62NLA
CH-00203ANo ImageAll Clear, Bromine Tablets 25 Lbs, Due to the High Cost of Shipping Hazardous Materials, We Do Not Sell This SizeAQT1094$0.00NLA
CH-00202TNo ImageTropic Clear Bromine Tablets, 1.5 Lbs (Out of Stock)BROMINE$19.53NLA
CH-00202ANo ImageBromine Tablets 1.5 LbsAQT1133$17.49

1 - 15 of 15

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