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Swimming Pool Chemicals

Swimming Pool Chemicals for Pools and Spas

Swimming Pool Automation makes maintaining swimming pools easier. Automation includes chlorine generators, Alternate forms of Sanitizing pools such as Carefree ionizers as well as electric valves. For general information on alternate forms of swimming Pool automation Click Here

Swimming Pool Chemicals, Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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CH-00312A AQT1053 Click on ImageAll Clear, Alkalinity Increaser, 5 lbsAQT1053$14.11
CH-00312No ImageGLB pH UP , 8 Pound, EachGL71249EACH $15.36
CH-00311No ImageGLB 8 Pound pH UP Case Of 4GL71249 $50.85
CH-00310No ImageGLB 2 Pound pH UPGL71244EACH $4.48
CH-00309No ImageSoda Ash, 50 Lbs. BagAQT1074$35.20
CH-00308 AQT1072 Click on ImageAll Clear, Soda Ash, 10 lbsAQT1072$26.15
CH-00307No ImageGLB 2 Pound PH UP Case Of 1271244A$54.96
CH-00306 GL71242EACH Click on ImageGLB 10 Pound pH DownGL71242EACH$16.17
CH-00305No ImageGLB 10 Pound pH DownCase Of 4 71242A$72.26
CH-00304No ImageGLB pH Down, 4 Pound, Case Of 971240A$66.68
CH-00303No ImageGLB pH Down, 2 Pound, Case Of 1271238A$46.67
CH-00302 AQT1071 Click on ImageAll Clear, pH Up, pH Riser, Soda Ash, 5 lbs (Out of Stcck)AQT1071$17.55
CH-00301 AQT1070 Click on ImageAll Clear, pH Up, pH Riser, Soda Ash, 2 lbsAQT1070$7.57
CH-00264No ImageGLB Chlorine Stabilizer, 4 Pound, Case of 6, No LOnger MAnufactured, None Available71273A$0.00NLA
CH-00263No ImageGLB Chlorine Stabilizer, 10 Pound, EachGL71268EACH$56.19
CH-00262No ImageGLB Chlorine Stabilizer, 10 Pound, EachGL71268EACH$56.19
CH-00261 AQT1062 Click on ImageAll Clear, Cyanuric Acid, Stabilizer, 15 LbsAQT1062$42.17
CH-00260 AQT1061 Click on ImageAll Clear, Stabilizer, Cyanuric Acid, 10 lbsAQT1061$23.53
CH-0025ANo ImageAll Clear Bromine Tablets, 25 Pounds, Due to the high Cost of Shipping we do not sell this sizePTBS202100$0.00NLA
CH-00259No ImageGLB Chlorine Stabilizer, 10 Pound, EachGL71268EACH$56.19
CH-00258No ImageGLB Chlorine Stabilizer, 10 Pound , Case of 271268A$74.35
CH-00257No ImageGLB Chlorine Stabilizer, 1.75 Pound, Case Of 1271265A$85.34
CH-00256PNo ImageProtech, Stabilizer and Conditioner, Cyanuric Acid, 4 Lbs.PTWB-602POUCH$14.20
CH-00256 AQT1060 Click on ImageAll Clear, Stabilizer, Cyanuric Acid, 5 lbsAQT1060$26.57
CH-00255 AQT1059 Click on ImageAll Clear, Stabilizer, Cyanuric Acid, 1.75 lbsAQT1059$7.08
CH-00212No ImageLeisure Time Bromine Granular, 1.75 Pounds, EachLT45435AEACH$19.73
CH-00211PNo ImageBromine Tablets, 1 Inch, 1 x 1.5 poundsAQT1133$14.31
CH-00210No ImageAll Clear Bromine Tablets 1 inch, 4.5 lbs (3 x 1.5 Pounds)AQT1134$52.47
CH-00209No ImageAll Clear, Bromine Tablets, 1.75 lbs., Limited To Quantity on HandBROMINE$13.62NLA
CH-00203ANo ImageAll Clear, Bromine Tablets 25 Lbs, Due to the High Cost of Shipping Hazardous Materials, We Do Not Sell This SizeAQT1094$0.00NLA
CH-00202TNo ImageTropic Clear Bromine Tablets, 1.5 Lbs (Out of Stock)BROMINE$19.53NLA
CH-00202ANo ImageBromine Tablets 1.5 LbsAQT1133$17.49
CH-00160 71408EACH   Click on ImageGLB Drop N' Vac Non Alum Floc 1 Quart. Each71408EACH $19.76
CH-00159 71408A Click on ImageGLB Drop N' Vac Non Alum Floc, 1 Quart,Case of 1271408A$242.75
CH-00158 40542A Click on ImageUltima TKO 73% CalHypo Granular Chlorine Shock 1 LB T, 24 per Case (Out of Stock)40542A$105.85
CH-00157 GL27830AEACH Click on ImageUltima Swamp To Swim 52% CalHypo / FLOC Kit Each GL27830AEACH$28.61
CH-00156 AQT1036-12 Click on ImageAll Clear, Shock,12 x 1 lbs BagsAQT1036-12$65.93
CH-00155 AQT1036-6 Click on ImageAll Clear, Shock, 6 x 1 lbs. BagsAQT1036-6$32.97
CH-00152A AQT1036 Click on ImageAll Clear, Shock,1 lb.AQT1036$8.14
CH-00151 27830A Click on ImageUltima Swamp To Swim 52% CalHypo / fLOC, 3 Kits Per Case 27830A$80.63
CH-00138No ImageGLB Granular Chlorine , Dichlor, 1 LB , Case of 2471001A$173.59
CH-00131A5No ImageAll Clear Sanitizer 56 percent Available Chlorine, Five 2 lbs Containers, Save 10 Percent,AQT2070$88.65
CH-00131A AQT2070 Click on ImageAll Clear Sanitizer 56 Percent Available Chlorine, 2 lbs AQT2070$19.50
CH-00106 AQT1082 Click on ImageAll Clear, Granulated Chlorine 90 percent, 12 lbs, Six 2 lb ContainersAQT1082$294.30
CH-00065 AQT1015-5 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 10 lbs 5 x 2 lb Containers AQT1015-5$74.25
CH-00064A AQT1015-2 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 6 lbs, Three 2 lb ContainersAQT1015-2$44.55
CH-00062A-2 AQT1015-2 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 4 Lbs, two 2 lb Container, Save on Two PackAQT1015-2$33.00
CH-00062A AQT1015 Click on ImageAll Clear, 1 inch Tablets, 2 Lbs, One 2 lb Container (Out of stock)AQT1015$18.15

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Swimming Pool Chemicals Related Links

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Swimming Pool Alkalinity IncreaserAlkalinity (Increases Alkalinity) Other chemicals not specifically categorizedOther
Bromine SanitizerBromine pH Increaser, Ph DecreaserPhosphate Removers
Calcium IncreaserCalcium (Protects Pool Surface) pH Increaser, Ph DecreaserpH Up, pH Down
Chlorine ProductsChlorine Spa Chemicals
Swimming Pool ClarifiersClarifiers pH Increaser, Ph DecreaserSpa Chemicals
Cyanuric AcidCyanuric Acid (Prevents Chlorine Loss) Marlig Fix A LeakMarlig-Fix-A-Leak
Diatomaceous EarthDiatomaceous Earth (DE) Stain & Scale ControlStain & Scale Control