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Swimming Pool Vacuum Hoses

Swimming Pool Vacuum Hoses

My Pool, has a complete line of swimming pool cleaning items. This includes Brushes, Poles, Nets, Manual Vacuums, Backwash Hoses and many other items. This page contains the category listing of all swimming pool vacuum hoses. Pool vacuum hoses come in various lengths and hose diameters of 1.25, 1.5 and 2.0 Inch. The 1.25 is mainly for above ground pools, the 1.5 inch for most in-ground pools and 2 inch for commercial purposes. Swimming Pool Vacuum Hoses for all types of swimming pools. With have long vacuum hoses from 30 to 50 feet

Vacuum Hoses, Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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CA-09001No ImageVacuum Hose HangerVARIOUS$7.33
CA-05062 SK2050 Click on ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 2.0 Inches x 75 FeetSK2050$281.34
CA-05060No ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 2.0 Inches x 50 FeetSK2050$191.36
CA-05055No ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 1.25 Inches x 36 Feet, Standard Grade ST12536$45.06
CA-05054 ST12530 Click on ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 1.25 Inches x 30 Feet, Standard Grade ST12530$37.52
CA-05053 ST12527 Click on ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 1.25 Inches x 27 Feet, Standard Grade ST12527$33.81
CA-05052 ST12524 Click on ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 1.25 Inches x 24 Feet, Standard Grade ST12524$30.01
CA-05051 ST12521 Click on ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 1.25 Inches x 21 Feet, Standard Grade ST12521$26.54
CA-05050 ST12518 Click on ImagePool Vacuum Hose, 1.25 Inches x 18 Feet, Standard Grade ST12518$25.11
CA-05039 4K8001 Click on ImageIntex Connector and Gasket Kit, I3002, I3001,I3004, 4K8001, I30034K8001$12.85
CA-05038 GAM4572 Click on ImageIntex Hose Adaptor B,10722, Made by GameGAM4572$23.74
CA-05037 GAM4558 Click on ImageIntex Vacuum Tube Adaptor, Game 4558GAM4558$7.43
CA-05036 GAM4554 Click on ImageIntex Wall Plugs, Game 4554GAM4554$6.60
CA-05035No ImageHose Cuff For Vacuum Hose765803 $7.34
CA-05012 217112035SI Click on ImageDuraKing, Premium Vacuum Hose 1.5 inches x 35 Feet217112035SI$71.28
CA-05005No ImageStandard Pool Vacuum Hose,, 1.5 inches x 50 feet528112050$54.56
CA-05003No ImageStandard Pool Vacuum Hose, 1.5 inches x 40 feet528112040$56.10
CA-05002No ImageStandard Pool Vacuum Hose, 1.5 inches x 35 feet528112035$49.13
CA-05001No ImageStandard Pool Vacuum Hose, 1.5 inches x 30 feet528112030$42.15

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