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Swimming Pool Returns

Swimming Pool and Spa Returns

Swimming Pool Returns, sometimes called inlets, come in several sizes, allowing the flow of water to various parts of the pool to be regulated. These returns also allow the debris on the surface of the pool to be directed to the skimmer to help keep the pool surface. clean. There are two broad types of returns, one that screws into the wall fitting and the other that slips into the pipe that returns water to the pool.

Pool and Spa Returns, Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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XX-01016No ImageWall Fittings, Please Search on ReturnWall Fittings$0.00Reference Only
SK-01055 084280001 Click on ImagePentair, Sta-Rite, Swimquip 084280001 Return Fitting Kit084280001$41.42
SK-01051BLKNo ImagePentair, Pac Fab 542003, 1.5 Inch Slip Return Fitting, Black542003$12.59
SK-01051No ImagePentair, Pac Fab 542002, 1-1/2 Inch Slip Return Fitting542002$11.86
SK-01050BLKNo ImagePentair, Pac Fab 542001, 1 Inch Slip Return Ftting, Black542001$14.07
SK-01050No ImagePentair, Pac Fab 542000, 1 Inch Slip Return Ftting, White 542000$11.86
SK-01035 SPX1084B Click on ImageHayward SPX1084B Face Plate Gasket for SP1048 SkimmerSPX1084B$4.28
SK-01033No ImageHayward SPX1411B, Return Fitting FaceSPX1411B$9.27
SK-01031 SPX1022CZ2 Click on ImageHayward SPX1022CZ2, O-Ring 1.5 Inch MPT Winter Plug SPX1022CZ2$1.67
SK-01029 SPX1408B Click on ImageHayward SPX1408B, Face Plate Inlet, EachSPX1408B$2.67
SK-01026No ImageHayward SPX1480C, Union NutSPX1480C$9.30
SK-01023 SP1422D Click on ImageHayward SP1422D Return Fitting, Insider,1.5 Inch, OriginalSP1422D$7.44
SK-01022BLK SP1022CBLK Click on ImageHayward SP1022CBLK, Wall Vacuum Plug, 1.5 Inch, BlackSP1022CBLK$2.16
SK-01022 SP1022C Click on ImageHayward SP1022C, Wall Vacuum Plug, 1.5 InchSP1022C$1.67
SK-01021 SP1022 Click on ImageHayward SP-1022, Wall fittingSP1022$7.05
SK-01020A SPX1420A1 Click on ImageHayward SPX1420A1, Rubber Flow DirectorSPX1420A1$6.59
SK-01020No ImageHayward SP1420, Return Inlet 1 Inch With Rubber Insert SP-1420$6.20
SK-01019 SP1022B Click on ImageHayward SP1022B, Wall Vacuum Plug, 1.5 Inch, OriginalSP1022B$1.12
SK-01018No ImageHayward SP1419D1, Directional Fittings Lock RingSPX1419D1$3.10
SK-01017BLKNo ImageHayward SP-1419EBLK, Return Inlet 1 Inch, BlackSP1419EBLK$4.50
SK-01017No ImageHayward SP-1419E, Return Inlet 1 Inch, WhiteSP1419E$2.79
SK-01016BLKNo ImageHayward SP-1419DBLK, Return Inlet 0.75 Inch, BlackSP1419DBLK$4.50
SK-01016 SP1419D Click on ImageHayward SP-1419D, Return Inlet 0.75 Inch, WhiteSP1419D$4.68
SK-01015No ImageHayward SPX1419B1, Ball Seat, Directional, WhiteSPX14191B1$5.81
SK-01014 SP1419C Click on ImageHayward SP-1419C, Return Inlet 0.50 Inch,WhiteSP1419C$4.50
SK-01012 SP1419B Click on ImageHayward SP-1419B, Return Inlet 0.037 Inch, WhiteSP1419B$2.81
SK-01010 SP1419A Click on ImageHayward SP-1419A, Return Inlet SlottedSP1419A$2.53

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