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Swimming Pool Motors, 56C Frame Motors

56C Frame Motors

56C Frame Motors do not have a threaded Shaft, the shaft is keyed / slotted.? The face of the motor is c-faced with a four bolt pattern. This motor was used on Arneson Booster Pumps(Horizontal), Polaris Booster Pumps (Older Pumps), Anthony and Sta-Rite Brass pumps. The location of the capacitor as shown in the picture can vary from motor to motor, the key feature of this motor is the c-faced flange that is keyed.

Important: Total output (Horsepower(HP) x Service Factor(SF)) of replacement motor must equal or exceed motor being replaced. Most Motors fail due to bad seals or gaskets, therefore, when replacing motors, the seal and gaskets should always be replaced. See Our handy kits for all your needs.

Pool Motors, 56C Frame, Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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MO-00353 B671ES Click on ImageCentury Motor B671,B671ES, 1 HP, Dual Speed Motor, 56C Frame, 115,230 Volts, Replaced by B232, B2232B671ES$359.51
MO-00306 B125 Click on ImageCentury Motor, B125, 3.0 HP, SF=1.15, Keyed Shaft, 230 VoltsB125$575.00
MO-00305 B124 Click on ImageCentury Motor, B124, 2.0 HP, SF=1.0, Keyed Shaft, 230 VoltsB124$423.00
MO-00304 B123 Click on ImageCentury Motor, B123, 1.5 Hp, SF=1.3, Keyed Shaft, 115/230B123$354.00
MO-00303 B122 Click on ImageCentury Motor, B122, 1 Hp, SF=1.4, Keyed Shaft, 115/230B122$261.00
MO-00302 B121 Click on ImageCentury Motor, B121, 3/4 Hp, SF=1.5, Keyed Shaft, 115/230B121$228.99
MO-00301 B120 Click on ImageCentury Motor, B120, 56C Frame. Keyed Shaft, 1/2 hp, 115/230B120$301.62
MO-00260 B978 Click on ImageAO Smith, Century, Magnetek B978 Motor,56C Frame, 2HP, Dual Speed, 230 voltsB978$676.45
MO-00181No ImageAO Smith SK1302V1 Motor, 56C Frame, 3450rmp, 3 HP, Key Shaft, 230V, SF 1.15, Replaces SK1302SK1302V1$643.07
MO-00180No ImageAO Smith SK1202 Motor, 56C Frame, 3450rmp, 2 HP, Keyed Shaft, 230V, SF 1.3SK1202$459.45
MO-00179No ImageAO Smith SK1152 Motor, 56C Frame, 3450 rpm 1.5 HPSK1152$355.69
MO-00178 SK1102 Click on ImageAO Smith SK1102 Motor, 56C Frame, 3450rmp, 1 HP, Key Shaft, 230VSK1102$288.97
MO-00177 Click on ImageAO Smith SK1072 Motor, 56C Frame, 3450rmp, 3/4 HP, Key Shaft, SF 1.6, 110 or 220V, Special Order $252.63
MO-00176No ImageAO Smith SK1052 Motor, 56C Frame, 3450rmp, 0,5 HP, Key Shaft, SF 1.6, 110 or 220V, Special OrderSK1052$256.61

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