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Swimming Pool Automation

Swimming Pool Automation

Swimming Pool Automation makes maintaining swimming pools easier. Automation includes chlorine generators, Alternate forms of Sanitizing pools such as Carefree ionizers as well as electric valves. For general information on alternate forms of swimming Pool automation Click Here

Swimming Pool Automation, Product Listing

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ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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PV-10228 8137 Click on ImageJandy 8137, Valve Actuator Cord 75 feet8137$165.26
PV-10227 8136 Click on ImageJandy 8136, 50 Foot Valve Actuator Cord, Special Order8136$61.98
PV-10226 4700 Click on ImageJandy 4700, 20 Foot Valve Actuator Cord4700$37.59
PV-10224 JVA2440 Click on ImageJandy 4424, Valve Actuator, 24 Volts, 180 Degree RotationJVA2440$231.23
PV-10222 JVA2440 Click on ImageJandy 3791, Valve Actuator, 24 Volvts, 90 Degree Rotation, Replaced by Jandy 6652J,JVA2440$172.81
PV-10220No ImageJandy 4412, Valve Actuator, 12 Volvts, 180 degree Rotation, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableJVA1240$0.00NLA
CS-13130 CLE-03 Click on ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model CLE-03 Anode, Used on R150 Model IonizerCLE-03$143.63
CS-13125 CLE-02 Click on ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model CLE-02 Anode, Used on R20/R40 Model Ionizer, Mounts VerticallyCLE-02$169.13
CS-13120 CLE-01 Click on ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model CLE-01 Anode, Used on SPA-1R Model IonizerCLE-01$131.18
CS-13110No ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model SPA-1R, 1000 Gallon Spa Size, Copper Ionization System, Uses CLE-01 AnodeSpa-1R$338.25
CS-13107No ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model OZ-50, Replacement BulbOZ-50/75L$107.25
CS-13106No ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model OZ-50, Up to 50,000 Pool Size, Ozone Generator systemOZ-50$643.50
CS-13105No ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model R-40, R40, 40,000 Pool Size, Copper Ionization System, Uses CLE-03 AnodeR40$660.00
CS-13100No ImageClearwater Pool Systems, Model RC-50, 50,000 Pool Size, Copper Ionization System, Uses CLE-11 AnodeRC-50$882.75
CS-12025 TCELL15 Click on ImageHayward TCELL15 Salt Chlorinator Turbo Cell, 40,000 Gallon, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleTCELL15$0.00NLA
CS-12023 TCELL9 Click on ImageHayward TCELL9 Salt Chlorinator Turbo Cell, 25,000 Gallon, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleTCELL9$0.00NLA
CS-12020 TCELL3 Click on ImageHayward TCELL3 Salt Chlorinator Turbo Cell, 15,000 Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleTCELL3$0.00NLA
CS-12010 GLXPCBRITE Click on ImageAqua Rite GLXPCBRITE, Main BoardGLXPCBRITE$368.15
CS-12009 GCITCELL3 Click on ImageAqua Rite GCITCELL3, Turbo Cell, 15 Foot Cord, 15,000 Gallons, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleGCITCELL3$0.00NLA
CS-12007 TCELL9 Click on ImageAqua Rite GCITCELL9, Turbo Cell, 15 Foot Cord, 25,000 Gallons, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleTCELL9$0.00NLA
CS-12005 TCELL15 Click on ImageAqua Rite GCITCELL15, Turbo Cell, 15 Foot Cord, 40,000 Gall, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.TCELL15$0.00NLA
CS-12000 AQR Click on ImageAqua Rite AQR, Chlorinator Control Panel, Cells Sold Separately, Replaced by GLXCTLRITE AQR$560.00
CS-11522No ImageReplacement Nylon Thumb Screw , Limited to Quantity on HandThumb$2.40
CS-11520 Anode-FL Click on ImageReplacement Anode for Floatron Solar Ionizer, Weighs 412 grams, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableAnode-FL$0.00NLA
CS-11515 Brush Click on ImageSolar-Clear Replacement BrushBrush$4.50
CS-11510 Anode-SC Click on ImageSolar-Clear Replacement Anode, limited to quantity on handAnode-SC$51.00
CS-11505 SolarClear Click on ImageSolar-Clear Replacement Screen SolarClear$8.25
CS-11500 SolarClear Click on ImageSolar-Clear Ionizer System, Reduces Chlorine ConsumptionSolarClear$133.65
CS-11056No ImageClearwater Pool Systems Replacement hose Set, Replace annuallyOZ-HK$53.93
CS-11055No ImageCopperTest Kit, Replacement chemicals for Carefree and Clear Water Test kits.CLA42$18.23
CS-11050No ImageCarefree Clearwater Copper Ion Test KitCLA41$22.61
CS-11048No ImageCLE-05 Anode Fits All Carefree Clearwater Models With 3 Inch fitting, Commercial UnitsCLE-05$202.88
CS-11047No ImageTerminal clips for new style anode. Package of two.. Terminal Clips$0.75
CS-11046 CLE03 Click on ImageCLE-03. CLE03 Anode Fits All Carefree Clearwater Models With 2 Inch fittingCLE03$142.50
CS-11045No ImageCarefree Clearwater Ion Chamber and Reducer, 2 Inches. Limited to Quantity on handReducer$33.00
CS-11044 CLE02 Click on ImageCLE02 Anode Fits Carefree Clearwater , 2 Inch fitting, Will Replace Carefree 1200 Anodes, Larger than CLE03 Mounts Vertically, CLE02$153.75
CS-11042No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1200C, Ionizer, Anode, High Silver Copper Anode, No Longer Manufactured, None Avaialble1200CSilver$0.00NLA
CS-11041No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1100 Anode, High Silver/Zinc, No Longer Manufactured, None Available1100Silver$0.00NLA
CS-11040No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1200C, Anode, 2 Inch Fitting, No Longer Available, Replace With CL-031200C$142.50
CS-11036No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1200CHR, Anode, 2 Inch Fitting, Replace With CS-110461200CHR$142.50
CS-11035 1200RHR Click on ImageCarefree Clearwater 1200R, Anode, 2 Inch Fitting, Replace with CS-110461200RHR$142.50
CS-11030 1100AW Click on ImageCarefree Clearwater 1100 Anode, 1100, 2 Inch Fitting, No Longer Available, Replace With CS-110461100AW$142.50
CS-11015No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1200C1, Ionizer, Spas, 65,000-125,000 gallons, No Longer Manufactured, None Avaialble1200C1$0.00NLA
CS-11010No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1200C, Ionizer, Pools, 45,000-65,000 Gallons, No Longer Manufactured None Available1200C$0.00NLA
CS-11005No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1200R, Ionizer, Pools, 5,000-45,000 gallons, Unit, Specify 110 Volts, No Longer Manufactured None Available1200R$0.00NLA
CS-11000-2No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1100, Ionizer, Spas, 5,000 gallons, Specify 220 Volts, No Longer Manufactured None Available1100$0.00NLA
CS-11000No ImageCarefree Clearwater 1100, Ionizer, Spas, 5,000 gallons, Specify 110 Volts, No Longer Manufactured None Available1100$0.00NLA
CH-20100 R0452500 Click on ImageJandy AquaPure Slotted 3 Port Sensor Kit R0452500, Used on - AquaPure 700, 1400, Fusion Soft 700 and 1400 chlorine Generators R0452500$367.46
CH-10154No ImageAutoPilot DIG-Fan, Digital Fan Assembly, Total Control, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableDIGFAN$0.00NLA
CH-10153No ImageAutoPilot 833W , Digital Control Board Only, Controller Compatible With DIG-220, No Longer Manufactured, None Available833W$0.00NLA

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Swimming Pool Automation

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