Astral Clarity DE Filter 36, 48 & 60 Sq-Ft Parts Diagram
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Astral Clarity DE Filter 36,48 and 60 Sq-Ft Parts Diagram
Astral Clarity Pool filter parts list for easy ordering of parts for your Astral Sand Filters. Astral Models18045V,18046V, 18047

Astral Clarity DE Filter 36,48 & 60 Sq-Ft Parts List
Astral Filters 18045V,18046V, 18047
Key |
Model |
Description | SKU # |
Purchase |
1 |
723R0140040 |
O-Ring Air Relief, Adaptor | PU-17088 |
2 |
00496R0502 |
Adaptpr Air Relief 38" to 1/4 Inch | FI-17089 |
3 |
11656 |
Air Relief Valve, 1/4 Inch | FI-17073 |
4 |
00555R0401 |
Tee Adaptor | FI-17047 |
5 |
18044R0401 |
Pressure Gauge, 1/8 Inch, 0-50 | -- |
6 |
70121R08000 |
Lid Nut ( Stainless) | PU-17028 |
7 |
70119R08000 |
Washer | FI-17077 |
8 |
11619R4430 |
Screen, Air Bleed Assembly | -- |
9 |
00496R0501 |
Screen Support, Air Bleed Assembly | -- |
10 |
11619R4420 |
Clamp, Air Bleed Assembly | -- |
11 |
11619R4410 |
Pipe Adapter, Air Bleed Assembly | -- |
12 |
773R0568026 |
O-Ring Pipe Assembly | -- |
13 |
720R5500086 |
O-Ring, Air Relief Adaptor | -- |
14 |
18044R7100 |
V-Clamp Assembly (Complete) | -- |
15 |
11619R8100 |
Pipe Assembly, Outlet 24 Sq-Ft Filter | -- |
16 |
11620R8100 |
Pipe Assembly, Outlet 36 Sq-Ft Filter | -- |
17 |
11621R8100 |
Pipe Assembly, Outlet 48 Sq-Ft Filter | -- |
18 |
11622R8100 |
Pipe Assembly, Outlet 60 Sq-Ft Filter | -- |
19 |
18676 |
Multiport Valve 2" | FI-17270 |
20 |
723R0660053 |
O-Ring-Air Relief Adaptor | FI-17272 |
21 |
18044R7001 |
Ring (Stainless) | -- |
22 |
0599114 |
Manifold Elbow | -- |
23 |
00469R0316 |
Union Bush (2" Black) | FI-17200 |
24 |
11619R4500 |
Manifold Satand-Off | -- |
25 |
18044R6100 |
Pipe Assembly (Inlet) | -- |
26 |
00470R0319 |
Plug Gasket | FI-17049 |
27 |
00329R0002 |
Locknut 2" | -- |
28 |
726R0597053 |
O-Ring (Locknut) | -- |
29 |
18044R6300 |
Threaded Pipe Adaptor 2"X50 | -- |
30 |
18044R0010 |
Base (Molded) | -- |
31 |
0507663NG |
Drain Plug 2" | -- |
32 |
00470R0106 |
Plug Gasket | -- |
33 |
724R0130030 |
O-Ring-Air Relief Adaptor | FI-17091 |
34 |
11619R4020 |
Grid Suport (Bottom) | -- |
35 |
11619R4300 |
Tie Rod M-8 (24 Sq. Ft.) | -- |
36 |
11620R4300 |
Tie Rod M-8 (36 Sq. Ft.) | -- |
37 |
11621R4300 |
Tie Rod M-8 (48 Sq. Ft.) | -- |
38 |
11622R4300 |
Tie Rod M-8 (60 Sq. Ft.) | -- |
39 |
18044R0202 |
Tank (Bottom) 24/36 Sq. Ft. | -- |
40 |
18047R0202 |
Tamk (Bottom) 48/60 Sq. Ft. | -- |
41 |
18044R0201 |
Tank (Top) 24 Sq. Ft. | -- |
42 |
18045R0201 |
Tank (Top) 36/48 Sq. Ft. | -- |
43 |
18047R0201 |
Tank (Top) 60 Sq. Ft. | -- |
44 |
11619R4100 |
Large Grid 12" (24 Sq. Ft.) FG-1002 | FI-04100 |
45 |
11619R4200 |
Small Grid 12" (24 Sq. Ft.) PG-1902 | FI-04110 |
46 |
11620R4100 |
Large Grid 18" (36 Sq. Ft.) FG-1003 | FI-04102 |
47 |
11620R4200 |
Small Grid 18"(36 Sq. Ft.) PG-1903 | FI-04112 |
48 |
11621R4100 |
Large Grid 24" (48 Sq. Ft.) FG-1004 | FI-04104 |
49 |
11621R4200 |
Small Grid 24" (Sq. Ft.) PG-1904 | FI-04114 |
50 |
11622R4100 |
Large Grid 30" (Sq. Ft.) FG-1005 | FI-04106 |
51 |
11622R4200 |
Small Frid 30" (60Sq. Ft.) PG-1905 | FI-04116 |
A |
18044R7000 |
V-Clamp Ring | -- |
B |
18044R7003 |
Washer V-Clamp | -- |
C |
18044R7002 |
Tension Indicating Spring | -- |
D |
18044R7005 |
Washer, V-Clamp | -- |
E |
18044R7004 |
Nur, V-Clamp | -- |
F |
11619-4000 |
24" Grid Assembly Complete | -- |
F |
11620-4000 |
36" Grid Assembly Complete | -- |
F |
11621-4000 |
48" Grid Assembly Complete | -- |
F |
11622-4000 |
60" Grid Assembly Complete | -- |
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