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Swimming Pool Heaters

Swimming Pool Heaters

We offer a complete line of Swimming Pool Heaters and parts, from all the major manufactures.   Sta-Rite, Jandy, Pentair and many more. Whether its a single part or a complete swimming pool heater, we can supply your needs.

Pool Heaters, Product Listing

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HE-03054No ImageAquaCal SQ145, Super Quiet Heat Pump, 119,000 BTU'S, Scroll compressor, Cannot Ship By UPSSQ145$5,598.00
HE-03052No ImageAquaCal SQ125 Super Quiet Heat Pump, 101,000 BTU'S, Scroll compressor, Cannot Ship By UPSSQ125$3,752.00NLA
HE-03050No ImageAquaCal SQ110R, Super Quiet Heat Pump, 100,000 BTU'S, Scroll compressor, Heats and Cools, Cannot Ship By UPSSQ110R$3,752.00NLA
HE-03047No ImageAquaCal Icebreaker Heat Pump, 120,000 BTU'S, Scroll compressor, Replaced By SQ145H155R$4,474.99
HE-03045No ImageAquaCal Icebreaker Heat Pump, 103000 BTU'S, Scroll compressor, Replaced By SQ125H120R$5,080.00
HE-03040No ImageAquaCal Icebreaker Heat Pump - 88,000 BTU'S, Scroll Compressor, Cannot Ship By UPSH100R$4,356.99
HE-03035No ImageAquaCal HeatWave H155 Heat Pump - 127,000 BTU'S, Replaced By SQ166RH155$6,450.00
HE-03022No ImageAquaCal HeatWave H135 Heat Pump - 120,000 BTU'S, Replaced By SQ225H135$6,450.00
HE-03020No ImageAquaCal HeatWave 120. Heat Pump - 109,000 BTU'S, Scroll Compressor, Replaced By SQ120RH120$5,598.00
HE-03010No ImageAquaCal HeatWave H110, Heat Pump - 90,000 BTU'S, Replaced By SQ125H110$2,892.00
HE-03009 T135 Click on ImageAquaCal Heat PumpTropical T135 Series, 13200 BTU,OS,Cannot Ship by UPST135$4,576.00
HE-03007No ImageAquaCal Heat Economy Series, 126,000 BTU's (Ships by UPS)EH1000$3,014.99
HE-03006No ImageAquaCal Heat Pump Tropical Series, 93,000 BTU,OS,Cannot Ship by UPST115$4,576.00
HE-03004No ImageAquaCal T75 Heat Pump Tropical Series, 720000 BTU, OS, Cannot Ship by UPST75$3,559.00
HE-03002No ImageAquaCal T55 Heat Pump Tropical Series, 51,000 BTU, Cannot Ship by UPST55$3,178.00
HE-02630 CSPAXI11 Click on ImageHayward Comfortzone CSPAXI11, Electric Heater, 11 KW 240V. Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.CSPAXI11$0.00NLA
HE-02625 H400FDP Click on ImageHayward H400FDP, Propane Gas Heater, 400,000 BTU, , Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemH400FDP$0.00NLA
HE-02623 H350FDP Click on ImageHayward H350FDP, Propane Gas Heater, 350,000 BTU, Lo Nox. Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.H350FDP$0.00NLA
HE-02621 H300FDP Click on ImageHayward H300FDP, Propane Gas Heater, 300,000 BTU, Updated, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.H300FDP$0.00NLA
HE-02619 H250FDP Click on ImageHayward H250FDP, Propane Gas Heater, 250,000 BTU, , Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemH250FDP$0.00NLA
HE-02617 H200FDP Click on ImageHayward H200FDP, Propane Gas Heater, 200,000 BTU, Lo Nox, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this item for saleH200FDP$0.00NLA
HE-02615 H150FDP Click on ImageHayward H150FDP, Propane Gas Heater,150,000 BTU, Lo Nox. Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this item for saleH150FDP$0.00NLA
HE-02613No ImageHayward H500FDN, Natural Gas Heater, 500,000 BTU, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemH500FDN$0.00NLA
HE-02612 H400FDN Click on ImageHayward H400FDN, Natural Gas Heater, 400,000 BTU, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemH400FDN$0.00NLA
HE-02610 H350FDN Click on ImageHayward H350FDN, Natural Gas Heater, 350,000 BTU, Lo Nox, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.H350FDN$0.00NLA
HE-02608 H300FDN Click on ImageHayward H300FDN, Natural Gas Heater, 300,000 BTU, Lo Nox, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.H300FDN$0.00NLA
HE-02606 H250FDN Click on ImageHayward H250FDN, Natural Gas Heater, 250,000 BTU, Lo Nox, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this item for saleH250FDN$0.00NLA
HE-02602 H200FDN Click on ImageHayward H200FDN, Natural Gas Heater, 200,000 BTU, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this item for saleH200FDN$0.00NLA
HE-02600 H150FDN Click on ImageHayward H150FDN, Natural Gas Heater,150,000 BTU, Lo Nox, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this item for saleH150FDN$0.00NLA
HE-02540No ImageHayward H250FDP Propane Gas Heater, 250,000 BTU , Lo NOX . Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.H250FDP $0.00NLA
HE-02525No ImageHayward H400PED2, Propane Gas Heater, 400,000 BTU, Electronic, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH400PED2$0.00NLA
HE-02524No ImageHayward H400ED2, Natural Gas Heater, 400,000 BTU, Electronic, No Longer Manufactured, None AvaialbleH400ED2$0.00NLA
HE-02523No ImageHayward H300PED2, Propane Gas Heater, 300,000 BTU, Electronic, No Longer Manufactured, None AvaialbleH300PED2$0.00NLA
HE-02522No ImageHayward H300ED2, Natural Gas Heater,300,000 BTU, Electronic, Replaced By H300FDN, No Longer Manufactured, None AvaialbleH300ED2$0.00NLA
HE-02521No ImageHayward H250PED2. Propane Gas Heater, 250,000 BTU, Electronic Ignition, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH250PED2$0.00NLA
HE-02520 H250ED2 Click on ImageHayward H250ED2, Natural Gas Heater, 250,000 BTU, Electronic Ignition, No Longer Manufactured None AvailableH250ED2$0.00NLA
HE-02519No ImageHayward H200PED2, Propane Gas Heater, 200,000 BTU, Electronic Ignition, No Longer Manufactured, None AvaialbleH200PED2$0.00NLA
HE-02518 H200ED2 Click on ImageHayward H200ED2, Natural Gas Heater, 200,000 BTU, Electronic Ignition, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH200ED2$0.00NLA
HE-02517No ImageHayward H150ED2, Propane Gas Heater, 150,000 BTU, Electronic Ignition,No Longer Manufactured, None AvaiableH150ED2$0.00NLA
HE-02516No ImageHayward H150ED2, Natural Gas Heater, 150,000 BTU, Electronic Ignition, No Longer Manufactured, None AvaiableH150ED2$0.00NLA
HE-02513No ImageHayward H4001, Natural Gas Heater, 400,000 BTU, Millivolt, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH4001$0.00NLA
HE-02512No ImageHayward H400P1, Propane Gas Heater, 400,000 BTU, Millivolt, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH400P1$0.00NLA
HE-02510 H250P1 Click on ImageHayward H250P1, Propane Gas Heater, 250,000 BTU, Millivolt, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH250P1$0.00NLA
HE-02508 H2501 Click on ImageHayward H2501, Natural Gas Heater, 250,000 BTU, Millivolt, H2501, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH2501$0.00NLA
HE-02502 H150P1 Click on ImageHayward H150P1, Propane Gas Heater, 150,000 BTU, Millivolt,No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH150P1$0.00NLA
HE-02500 H1501 Click on ImageHayward H1501, Natural Gas Heater,150,000 BTU, Millivolt, No Longer Manufactured, None AvailableH1501$0.00NLA
HE-02499No ImageHayward H100IDP1, H-Series Propane Heater, 100,000 BTU, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.H100IDP1$0.00NLA
HE-02498 H100ID1 Click on ImageHayward H100ID1, H-Series Natural Gas Heater, 100,000 BTU, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.H100ID1$0.00NLA

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