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Swimming Pool Skimmer Baskets

Swimming Pool Skimmer Baskets

We offer a complete line of Swimming Pool Skimmer Baskets for your swimming pool r skimmer, from all the major manufactures.   American Products Skimmer Basket, Sta-Rite Skimmer Basket,  Hayward Skimmer Basket,  Pac Fab Skimmer Basket, Pentair Skimmer Basket, Astral Skimmer Basket and many more

Swimming Pool Skimmer Baskets, Product Listing

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Click on link in Detail column for more information on that part number
Detail Link
ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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BA-0030G B30 Click on ImageNor-Cal Eagle Powder Coated , 8-3/16 (Top), 5 (height), 6-12/16 (bottom)InchesB30$105.23
BA-0029G B29 Click on ImageNor-CAL Powder Coated Skimmer Basket , 7-9/16 (Top), 5-4/16 (height), 6-8/16 (bottom)InchesB29$120.61
BA-0028G B28 Click on ImageAmerican Products 850001 Metal Basket, 8-14/16 (Top), 7-14/16 (height), 6-11/16 (Bottom)InchesB28$64.76
BA-0027GNo ImageLUITWEILER Powder Coated Basket , 16-8/16 (Top), 2-2/16 (height), 15-13/16 (bottom)InchesB27$115.06
BA-0026GNo ImageInternational 1511-7 Powder Coated Basket , 16-8/16 (Top), 2-2/16 (height), 15-13/16 (bottom)InchesB26$274.46
BA-0024GNo ImageInternational 849240 Metal Basket 10-8/16 (Top), 4-2/16 (height), 9 (bottom)InchesB24$125.15
BA-0013G B13 Click on ImageAladdin B13, Basket, Alladin White No-Niche SkimmerB13$13.24
BA-0013BLK B13Black Click on ImageAladdin B-13, Skimmer Basket, Black No-Niche Skimmer, Special OrderB13Black$27.70
BA-0012G PP8102 Click on ImageInternational PP8102-15 Metal Basket, 4-9/16 (Top), 5-4/16 (height), 3-14/16 (bottom) InchesPP8102$52.82
BA-0010G B10 Click on ImageSkimmer Basket Landon, Bottom: 7-13/16 x Height: 4 1/8 InchesB10$57.90
BA-0009No ImageSta-Rite, Swimquip 86500007, U3 Skimmer Basket, Original, Limited to stock on hand86500007$8.62
BA-0004G B4 Click on ImageLandon New Style, Powder Coated Basket, MetalB4$69.42
BA-0003G B3 Click on ImageAladdin B-3, Basket Replacement for Jacuzzi 16-0343-08B3$58.95
BA-0002G B2 Click on ImageAladdin B-2, Basket, Anthony Skimmer 5x5, Metal, Special OrderB2$100.64
BA-0001G B1 Click on ImageAladdin B-1, Anthony 7x7 inch Metal Skimmer Basket, Special OrderB1$74.32
BA-0001ANo ImageAladdin B-1, Anthony 7x7 inch Skimmer Plastic, Special OrderB1$131.13

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