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Swimming Pool Lights

Swimming Pool Electrical Items, Pool Lights

Swimming Pool Lights

Many pools build within the last few years are equipped with lighting to enhance the look of the pool at night.? Pool lights generally are either incandescent or fiberoptic.? LED illumination is an excellent option because they are low wattage and provide an energy saving, using between 20-50 watts per hour versus incandescent lights, which burn about 500 watts per hour or fiberoptic lights, which use about 150-200 watts per hour.? LED lights can be left on all night and add very little to your power bill.? They also have a longer lifetime and do not need to be replaced as often -- fiberoptic lights last three to seven years before needing replacement, and incandescent lights must be replaced after 2,000 hours of use.? On the average, LED lights will last up to 10 years before needing replacement.? As an added benefit, LEDs will usually fit in the same niche as the older lights.? Hayward, Pentair, Zodiac, Fiberstars, and other manufacturers offer LEDs in many colors that are easily installed, suitable for unite, fiberglass or vinyl pools, and often they do not require special housing or wiring.? Lighting can be automated so that it can be controlled from a smart phone or tablet so that the colors are displayed in many different ways to create your unique display.

Another option to consider for providing safe illumination is glow-in-the-dark products. ?Glow-in-the-dark pool tiles are generally made of glass, and are available in different colors.? Gel coating phosphorescence can be used to coat the surface of the pool to create a glow-in-the-dark effect on the entire surface of the pool or to accent certain areas.? UV resistant/chemical resistant glow crystals can be integrated into the plaster of the pool surface to create a unique design to add beauty to your pool’s night-time appearance

Swimming Pool Lights, Product Listing

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ImageDescriptionModel #Sale
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EL-013020 055010005 Click on ImagePentair, Sta-Rite, SunGlow 05501-0005 Large Lens Gasket055010005$27.09
EL-013006No ImagePentair, Sta-Rite, SunGlow 055312100, 300W 12V 100 Foot Cord. No Longer Manufactured, None Avaialble055312100$0.00NLA
EL-013004No ImagePentair, Sta-Rite, 055312050, SunGlow, 300W 12V 50 Foot Cord Light, No Longer Manufactured, None Avaialble055312050$0.00NLA
EL-013002No ImagePentair, Sta-Rite, 055312030, SunGlow 300W 12V 30 Foot Cord Light, Special Order055312030$246.11
EL-013000No ImagePentair, Sta-Rite 055312015, SunGlow 300W 12V 15' Light. Special Order055312015$176.00
EL-00643 LFGUY1000 Click on ImageHayward LFGUY1000, Shallow Concrete Pool Light Niche, Universal Color logic LFGUY1000$81.08
EL-00642 SP604C1 Click on ImageHayward SP604C1, SS Light Niche, HousingSP604C1$227.79
EL-00641 SP0607U Click on ImageHayward SP0607U, Light Niche HousingSP0607U$157.04
EL-00640 SP0600U Click on ImageHayward SP0600U, Light Niche, Housing for SP0580S, SP0581S, SP0582L, SP0583L Series Lights Concrete or Gunite PoolsSP0600U$73.14
EL-00636 SP0590HSL100 Click on ImageHayward SP0590HSL100 Astrolite II Spa Light, 75 Watt, 12 V, 100 Foot Cord, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer thSP0590HSL100$0.00NLA
EL-00634 SP0590SL50 Click on ImageHayward SP0590SL50 Spa, Pool Light, 100W, 12 V, 50 Foot Cord, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for SaleSP0590SL50$0.00NLA
EL-00632 SP0590HSL50 Click on ImageHayward SP0590HSL50, Pool Light, 75 W, 12 V, 50 Foot, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleSP0590HSL50$0.00NLA
EL-00630 SP0590SL15 Click on ImageHayward SP0590SL15, Astrolite I, Light, 100 Watt, 12 V, 15 Foot Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for SaleSP0590SL15$0.00NLA
EL-00616 SP0524SLED100 Click on ImageHayward LPCUS11100, ColorLogic Pool Light,12V, 100ft Cord, , Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemSP0524SLED100$0.00NLA
EL-00615 LPCUS11050 Click on ImageHayward LPCUS11050, ColorLogic Pool Light,12V, 50ft Cord, , Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemLPCUS11050$0.00NLA
EL-00614No ImageHayward LPCUS11030, ColorLogic Pool Light,12V, 30 ft Cord, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleLPCUS11030$0.00NLA
EL-00613 SP0581S100 Click on ImageHayward SP0581S75, Astrolite Pool Light 300 Watt, 12 V, 100 Feet,, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemSP0581S100$0.00NLA
EL-00612 SP0581S75 Click on ImageHayward SP0581S75, Astrolite Pool Light 300 Watt, 12 V, 75 Feet, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemSP0581S75$0.00NLA
EL-00611 SP0581S50 Click on ImageHayward SP0581S50, Astrolite Pool Light 300 Watt, 12 V, 50 feet,Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleSP0581S50$0.00NLA
EL-00610 SP0581S30 Click on ImageHayward SP0581S30, Astrolite Pool Light 300 Watt, 12 V, 30 feet, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for salSP0581S30$231.35NLA
EL-00603 SP0580S100 Click on ImageHayward SP0580S75, Pool Light 100 Watt, 12 Volt, 100 foot, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for saleSP0580S100$0.00NLA
EL-00602 SP0580S75 Click on ImageHayward SP0580S75, Pool Light 100 Watt, 12 Volt, 75 foot, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for SaleSP0580S75$0.00NLA
EL-00601 SP0580S50 Click on ImageHayward SP0580S50, Astrolite Pool Light, 100 Watt, 12 Volt Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot sell this itemSP0580S50$0.00NLA
EL-00454 79206700 Click on ImagePentair, American Products 79206700 Plastic Niche For Gunite or Concrete Pools79206700$86.01
EL-00452 78242300 Click on ImagePentair, American Products 782423, Niche for Manufactured Pool and Spas, 1 Inch Rear Hub, Special Order78242300$143.03
EL-00450 78210400 Click on ImagePentair, American Products 78210400, Amerlitre Light Niche for Gunite Pools, 3/4 Side Hub78210400$109.40
EL-00310 78458100 Click on ImagePentair, 78458100 Amerlite Light, 500 Watt, 120 Volt, 50 feet, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for Sale78458100$0.00NLA
EL-00309 78435100 Click on ImagePentair 78435100 Pool Light,300 Watt, 12 Volt, 100 feet , Due to Manufacturer's Restrictions we cannot offer this for Sale78435100$0.00NLA
EL-00308 78438100 Click on ImagePentair 78438100 Pool, Light, 300 Watt, 12 Volt, 50 feet, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for Sale78438100$0.00NLA
EL-00307 78431100 Click on ImagePentair 78431100 Amerlite Pool Light, 300 Watt, 12 Volt, 15 Ft, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale78431100$0.00NLA
EL-00306 78417100 Click on ImagePentair, American Products 78417100 Amerlite Light, SS, 100 Watt, 12 Volt, 150 feet, No Longer Manufactured, None Available78417100$340.50
EL-00305 78415100 Click on ImagePentair,78415100 Amerlite Light, 100 Watt, 12 Volt, 100 feet,Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale.78415100$0.00NLA
EL-00304 78411100 Click on ImagePentair 78411100 Amerlite Pool Light, 100 Watt, 12 Volt, 15 Ft, Due to Manufacturer's restrictions we cannot offer this for sale78411100$0.00NLA
EL-00303 78441100 Click on ImagePentair, American Products 78441100 Amerilite Light, SS, 400 Watt, 120 Volt, 15 feet78441100$308.61
EL-00302 78456300 Click on ImagePentair, American Products 78456300 Amerlite Light, SS, 500 Watt, 120 Volt, 100 feet, Special Order78456300$452.55
EL-00301 78428100 Click on ImagePentair, American Products 78428100 Amerlite Light, SS, 300 Watt, 120 Volt, 50 feet. No Longer Manufactured, None Available78428100$0.00NLA

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